Testing & Assessment
UConn provides technology options for administering summative and formative assessments to evaluate student learning.
HuskyCT-based Assessments
Instructors can create online tests using HuskyCT. There are 17 different question types that can be used, all but 2 of which will be graded automatically.
The “Test Options” that can be applied include number of attempts, time allotted to take the test, the time period when the test will be available to take, and the extent of the information that students see after taking the test. It is also possible to set up “Test Availability Exceptions” which make it easy to have one test but allow an extended period of time to a student who qualify for this accommodation. Test questions can be delivered in random order, question answer order for multiple choice questions can be randomized, and it is even possible to have questions drawn from sets so that students are not all getting the same questions.
Test results for the whole class can be downloaded by the instructor into a spreadsheet and various types of statistics are available. Tests can be exported from one HuskyCT site and imported into another.
Delivering tests through HuskyCT is not difficult, but it requires several steps and a good understanding of the test settings. There are also some best practices that students should follow in order to minimize the possibility of encountering problems saving answers or submitting tests. Consequently, we encourage instructors to work with Educational Technology when getting ready to use this tool.
Have you considered administering an online quiz or exam in the classroom? |
Surveys can use the same question types as Tests but surveys are not scored and the student providing a particular set of answers is not identified. The instructor will know, however, which students completed the survey.
Survey results can be downloaded into a spreadsheet and statistics are available which provide information on how many students answering a question chose a particular response.
Please note: while the survey results are considered anonymous, in the case of only 1 respondent, the individual’s identity would be known. Depending on the information being gathered and how that information is going to be used, instructors may need to utilize a tool outside of HuskyCT. UConn has the web-based software, “Qualtrics”, available for creating and administering surveys. Please visit the OIRE (Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness) website to get more information and access the Qualtrics tool.
Instructors can provide the ability for students to submit work online by creating an Assignment. An Assignment can be added to a Content Area or Content Folder or to a Learning Module. This is done using the “Assessments” button at the top of these different content posting options.
Instructors set the dates when the Assignment link will be active, a Due Date, the number of attempts allowed, and the points possible. Students click on the Assignment link to access the screen where they have the option to browse for and submit a file.
Instructors access the submitted assignments through the Grade Center. It is possible to mark up the submitted assignments online and enter the grade and comments on the same screen.
HuskyCT offers cheating deterrent technology for tests and assignments known as LockDown Browser. To learn more: here |
Developing and Building HuskyCT Assessments
Webinar recording
Gradescope is a feedback and assessment tool that reduces some of the difficulties and time associated with grading exams, homework, and other assignments. It is widely used for delivering assessments remotely and enables instructors and graders to provide better and more timely feedback, resulting in improved learning outcomes.
The use of Classroom Response Systems or “clickers” is a proven way to engage students and let instructors know what students are thinking. Instructors use iClickers for polls, assignments, and quizzes. The students purchase the software and it can be used in multiple classes throughout their time at UConn. The bookstore sells a bundle containing a physical iClicker plus 5-years of iClicker Cloud REEF polling. To eliminate or reduce the cost of an iClicker, students can share iClickers or purchase a used device.
Blackboard Collaborate polling
When using Collaborate for conducting synchronous class sessions, instructions can poll participants with Collaborate’s polling feature. The polling feature allows for multiple choice and yes/no questions.
Webex polling
When using Webex for video conferencing or conducting synchronous class sessions, instructors can poll participants with Webex’s polling feature. The polling feature allows for multiple choice – single answer, multiple choice – multiple answer, or short answer questions.
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is a web-based audience response system that lets you embed interactive activities directly into your presentation. The audience responds on the web or via SMS texting on their phones. There is no cost to the student. The software is free to instructors for up to 40 responses per polling session. For larger groups, the cost of the software is paid for by the instructor or their department. NOTE: EdTech does not support Poll Everywhere and the University does not have an agreement with Poll Everywhere. Any product that collects FERPA-protected data must have an agreement with the University. Anonymous polling with Poll Everywhere does not collect FERPA-protected data but polls that are not anonymous and are used for grades would include FERPA-protected data. Please refer to Procurement’s process for purchasing software: https://ubs.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/2818/2021/01/Software-and-Cloud-Services-Acquisition-and-Renewals-Process.pdf.pdf