Blackboard Ultra Course View (UCV) in HuskyCT
The new version of Blackboard, called "Ultra Course View" or just "Ultra," is now available in UConn's HuskyCT system. Anyone who has a HuskyCT site can begin using Ultra Course View for their teaching. UConn's HuskyCT Team (comprised of ITS and CETL-EdTech staff) encourage all faculty using HuskyCT as part of their teaching to consider their transition plans to Ultra Course View.
If you would like help getting started with Ultra Course View, would like to meet with CETL-EdTech staff to discuss your options and plans, or for any other HuskyCT-related questions, please contact us by phone, email, or make an appointment with our staff.
Phone: (860) 486-5052 E-mail:
HuskyCT Ultra Remote Consultations: Book an appointment with our team.
Converting Original Course View to Ultra Course View: Ultra Conversion Guide
Why switch to Ultra?
Ultra Course View (UCV) is a modern, user-friendly LMS design that simplifies many course building and management tasks, making maintaining and teaching your course with HuskyCT much easier. While the overall layout and design does differ from the Original Course View, most faculty who have switched to Ultra Course View have found it much easier to work with, and students say they prefer it over the Original Course View version of Blackboard.
UCV introduces many updated features such as improved content creation and editing, easier control of content availability, and many others. As well, UCV includes new tools such as artificial intelligence assistance for question bank creation and learning module structures, class conversations for individual content items, and discussion analytics that are not available in the Original Course View.
Converting Your Course to Ultra
For instructors looking to convert their course, please view the following article: Ultra Conversion Guide